Anyone who stores and dispenses medicine has a legal and ethical duty to do it safely. But medical storage and compliance is complicated and time-consuming. The good news is that PharmaScout has an affordable and no fuss solution for you to either rent or buy a state-of-the-art medical storage fridge.

Gregory Daus, CEO and co-founder of PharmaScout, began designing his own fridges after realising how difficult it was to find affordable and reliable medical storage fridges. And so after doing extensive research, gathering data and speaking to clients, Daus and his team came up with their own unique fridge designs from scratch.
The result is bespoke, purpose-built, quality medical dispensing fridges that are functional, practical and reliable. For example, the fridges have glass doors so you can easily see what’s inside them without having to open the door. And their wireless monitoring system gives you real-time data and early warnings if the temperature changes or if the door is left open.
Daus says PharmaScout’s equipment and technology has received positive feedback locally and internationally, including from an international pharmacy chain.
What really impresses people is the seamless and integrated digital aspect that PharmaScout brings to temperature mapping, calibration and compliance. Its fridges are monitored remotely and all information is backed up to the cloud. It’s a paperless, wireless and stressless system, and it totally removes the manual hassle of tracking and monitoring.

PharmaScout has dedicated itself to removing all technical and financial barriers to becoming fully compliant. That’s why its fridges can be rented out, with compliance included in the package, for less than R1,000 a month.
With PharmaScout, compliance has never been easier.
All of PharmaScout’s fridges come with a three-year warranty, and there’s also the option of an extended warranty, which guarantees a replacement fridge within 72 hours if your fridge needs to be repaired.
Whether you rent or buy, PharmaScout will always deliver peace-of-mind.